Sunday, July 25, 2010


Even when you hit a home run, you still end up at home plate, right where you started.The title pretty much says it all today. For over six months, our church of 6 or 7 faithfuls who have been here since we arrived has more than doubled, to 16-20 every Sunday. It has been an amazing two years to see what has been happening here at the corps. The past year especially, it feels like we've been hitting a home run with our ministry here.When planning our church goals for this year, we've made all sorts of plans for family outreach, beginning with Sunday School and Junior Church and Moonbeams and a craft night and a home group Bible Study and a monthly family fellowship event, along with the need for me to take over the thrift store. We're really excited about it all and have been for a few months now.

And then....ever notice in books that usually something great is followed with something not so great, connected with "And then?" It's like the harbinger of doom or something, you read it and you're like, do I have to keep reading, this next part's going to be depressing. Well, don't worry. You don't have to read my words, no one does, but I promise this section won't be long, and good stuff follows.
Then (ha, didn't use "and") July came along. All of a sudden we went from 16-17 easy each Sunday, to between 7 and 10. Its been discouraging, to work so hard and to be right back where we started. Even though the reasons vary, a corps member has a fractured back and his wife is taking care of him, camp, summer, fish-it hurts to see so few. Makes you wonder if you're wasting your time. Its made me wonder if I should be putting all my effort into keeping the programs going and the extra efforts for new ones, or if I should let things go because I'm wasting my time and nothing I'm going to do is going to make the church grow. Maybe after one home run, I'm back at home plate, and that's it.

I've struggled with it all month. I keep it to myself pretty well. Other than my family (why do they have to know me so well anyway?), no one else has known. But, the struggle has been there. Where do you go from here?I thank God that's not the end, and I thank Him that He has taught me to seek His Will, His advice, His Encouragement in His Word. I can't do it alone and wonder how I got over difficult times without Him and His Word. In my devotions I came across and familiar and very often quoted verse. Joshua 1:9 "I command you, be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go".

I've read this before, preached on it, taught it. But this month, I'm the one who needs to hear it. I forgot that discouragement is one of the devil's tools he uses while prowling like a lion ready to pounce. This month, caught off guard, he used it one, and it worked pretty well. I believe the corps is on the verge of something great, a ministry as a team and family of believers that will really bless the community of Haines and reach out with a heart to God and a hand to man. This will lead to more lives saved through faith in Jesus, and a growing church.
I also believe Satan knows this, that this corps is going to do something great, and he knows we had a home run last year and doesn't want it to happen again. Our people are strong, they've had a tough year but have come through and kept the faith, his attacks did nothing. But he found something to get me. Discouragement, try to get me to stop leading the church and working to save and grow before I have a chance to get it past the planning phase. A trend that happens every summer, lower numbers, he used to make me think that people had stopped coming and will stop coming and I'm wasting my time. He did it so well, I almost gave up, just sit tight and wait out the year, don't try you'll only fail.
I love the show Friends, have for years. One character, Chandler was asked if he could handle something without freaking out. He said, "Handle is my middle name. Actually, handle is the middle of my first name." I forgot what the solution, the answer for discouragement is, its in the middle of the word. Courage. Keep going, don't give up, don't quit. Many give up, many lose hope, but God commands, not asks, us to be strong and courageous, remembering we're not alone.

Today was a bit higher than its been, and I have been talking with people in our store, inviting them to join our family. Its possible that 6 people may start coming. If they do, I'll be extremely joyful, if not, I'll keep praying for them and working on them and seeking others as well. Although I face disappointments, I'm going to keep going, not going to give up, not going lose heart, not going to lose courage. I'll keep trusting in God and following where He leads, and His Will will have out.I'm going to fight discouragement with courage and strength. I'm going to keep fighting. I'm going to work really hard, take care of the people and programs we have, and I'm going to start the new ones. With God we knocked one out of the park last year, and although I feel like I'm back where I started at home plate, I won't forget that means its time to swing again. With God behind me as my strength, we can knock one out of the park again.

BLT says.........don't let Satan discourage you and keep you from swinging again.


  1. Thanks for posting this...I've been fighting the "d" word a bit myself lately. This was just what I needed!

  2. I'm glad I could help by sharing in my struggles and lessons. Thanks for reading my rantings and mistakes (that wasn't meant to sound sarcastic).
