Friday, July 30, 2010


"Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us all killed. Or worse, expelled."

"She needs to sort out her priorities."

That is by far my favorite line from the series of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named movies. But, I'm not trying to hide anything, its from Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. It always makes me laugh, that line. Which is worse, death or expulsion from school? For Hermione, its not finishing school.That part of the movie came to my mind yesterday when I was talking to my wife about the Southeast Alaska State Fair. One of the biggest draws of Haines is our highway out of town into Canada (the only community in Southeast Alaska with a road out) and the Southeast Alaska State Fair, which happens here in town every year at the end of July.
I'm not particularly a huge fan of fairs. I liked the Alaska State Fair in Palmer for the rides (which were way too expensive) and the food. Elephant Ears, Philly Cheese steaks, Funnel Cakes, Lemonade, Burgers, Barbecued Corn on the Cob, Smoked Turkey Legs. I liked the Lea County fair in New Mexico because of the amazing Limeade they have there. But, I've realized that fairs are one of those things where everything costs money, which I don't like to spend even if its on tasty food.

So, I've missed our fair the past two summers I've been here in Haines. The first year, my wife was pregnant with our son and we had just moved to town the week before and were getting settled in. Last year, the fair was the same weekend as our project of new windows and paint ended. For two weeks we had six visitors eating in our home and sleeping our home when they weren't working their extremely hard days on the project. When they left, my wife and I just wanted some time to be alone in our home and rest from two long weeks of hosting, so we missed the fair due to rest.

There has also been the fact that our son has been young enough that there's really been nothing for him at the fair. But this year, he's a year and a half, the petting zoo has returned, there's a bouncy house and a few other things. It would be good for him to go this year. So I suggested my wife take him today while I work the thrift store. She replied that going to the fair is a family event, and I should go with them.
I reminded her of my duties at the thrift store, getting things ready for Sunday and that I didn't have time to go and by Sunday wouldn't want to go because I'll be tired. Her suggestion was to close the store on Saturday, we won't make any money, but we won't lose any either, and go spend some time at the fair with my family.

The thought was appalling, cancel the ministry opportunity that the store provides just to be with my family. She asked, in her wise wifey way, "What's more important, and what are your priorities? It's one weekend and the chance for your son to do something new and for our family to make a memory together."

I thought about that for a few hours. What is my priority. I am a pastor, but a husband and father first. I work six days a week, every week. I have time with them, sure. But, this is a special weekend, and a chance to show what my priority is. My priority is my family and spending time with them. If anybody has a problem with my store being closed, they can come back next week and complain, and at least they'll know that I need to be able to be with my family, and maybe be an example to them that perhaps they should be spending special time with their family.

More than anything else, I'll remember tomorrow for years, my son's first visit to the fair. I wouldn't remember it if I worked the store, except for it being a missed opportunity.

So, the sign is up, tomorrow the store is closed, with a note at the bottom, "Come back next week, and I hope to see you and your family at the fair."

BLT says......I'm glad I've got my priorities sorted out, and I hope yours are too.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear about the fair experience! You made the right choice (we know what a decision it is to wrestle with to put that sign up on the door)--enjoy a great day!
